Blackjack Variations for Online Gamblers.

You’ve probably heard of Blackjack, but did you know that there are several variations to play against each other? Blackjack is one of the best online casino games. Are they worth playing at home? Or maybe you want to try some new strategies out for fun! Here’s a quick rundown of some of the common variations.

Double Exposure.

When two cards (or decks) are dealt face down and turned up simultaneously, it becomes twice as difficult to predict what the dealer’s next card will be. The game ends when the player busts or reaches a total of 21 without going over.

European Black Jack.

Also known as European Roulette, this version is very similar to standard roulette except that players receive three cards and not one. Each time a number comes up, the player can either hit, stand, or split their bets depending on whether the outcome corresponds to their hand. Unlike European Roulette, however, you won’t risk doubling your wagers if you go bust.

Spanish 21. 

While not as famous as the European variant, “Spanish” 21 is the oldest variation of blackjack. It was invented back in 1776 by Englishman by name of Richard Hughes. If you’re interested, a great book on the history of blackjack is called How To Play 21 by David Parlett.

Black Jack Switch. 

When a dealer hits a soft 17 (17 without counting any face cards), he is given the option to switch his hand to another deck. This is done so that he doesn’t have to deal with multiple hands at once. In some cases, you may even be able to switch decks yourself.

Multi-Hand Blackjacks.

Instead of splitting single hands into two separate hands, multi-hand blackjack combines all your hands into one big hand. So instead of getting four hands, you would get one larger hand.

American Blackjack. 

This isn’t technically considered a variation of blackjack since the rules don’t change much. Rather than being dealt three cards per round, a player now gets five. Aces count as 11 instead of 1. And blackjack pays 3:2 instead of 2:1. One thing that you should note about American Blackjack is that this version also has a house edge of 5%. That means you need to win 5% of your initial bet just to break even. Just something to keep in mind before deciding to play!

French Blackjack. 

This is very similar to the American version except that it uses three decks instead of five, with six suited cards instead of 13. With three decks, the odds of drawing an ace are increased, making this a good choice for high rollers.

Progressive Blackjack. 

Similar to progressive slot machines, progressive blackjack gives players chances to win money based on how many hands they choose to play. The amount of money won depends on where you land along the payout table.

Lucky 7 Blackjack. 

This takes luck out of the equation by allowing players to decide what number to hit. After hitting a natural, the dealer reveals whether it was a seven or not, and wins either way.

European Black Jack. 

As its name suggests, European blackjack is played exactly like regular blackjack but instead of using American-style card decks, the game utilizes Italian playing cards.

Caribbean Blackjack. 

Although not a type of blackjack, this version originated back in the 1930s in Cuba. Since the game used eight decks instead of seven, the dealer had to shuffle up twice compared to the other variations. Because of this, Caribbean Blackjack is generally not considered legal in most U.S. states because it hasn’t been standardized yet.

Canadian Blackjack. 

 If you’re looking to take things north of the border, Canadian blackjack is played almost identically to the American version. The only difference is that Canadian Blackjack is played differently when a natural 21 occurs. If a player busts after hitting a natural 21, the dealer immediately shows them their hole card and counts down from king-ace until reaching zero. At which point, the player wins whatever is left over. This is compared to the American method of counting from ace-king.

Mexican Blackjack. 

Mexican blackjack is played similarly to Caribbean blackjack except that players use a 52-card deck rather than a 48-card deck. Because of this, Mexican blackjack differs slightly from the American and Canadian varieties played elsewhere. Some differences include: there’s no insurance or surrender option; the deck sizes differ by country (Mexico 36-38 cards, Canada 40-48); some Mexican casinos limit the number of decks allowed (4 for example), while others allow unlimited decks; and in Mexico if a player reaches a total of twenty-one without going bust, he/she must remain at the table until a further bust occurs.


In conclusion, although all these blackjack variants are playable online, and can be quite fun when played responsibly, remember that each casino has different rules and regulations regarding what games they will accept.